"What is your intended major?"
Esmeralda: "Nursing"
"What was something you wish you would have done different your freshmen year of college?"
Esmeralda: "I wish I would have talked to my professors more and joined more clubs and activities."
"Why did you choose the college you went to?"
Esmeralda: "Because it is one of the best school in Texas for nursing and I wanted to get the best education I could."
"Are you glad you choose the college you went to?"
Esmeralda: "Yes, because I got to see a lot of other students from other cultures and it helped me expand my horizon."
"How did you choose what major you are taking?"
Esmeralda: "Because nursing is a useful skill that I can take with me through generations. I can use it with my kids one day and teach them too. I will -as a mother- have to be able to things like CPR so why not make it my career?"
"What do you think is the key to being happy while at college?"
Esmeralda: "I think the key is to try everything. Go to different activities. Go to different shows. Get free stuff. Have your schedule laid out so you don't have to worry about doing stuff the night before."
"Have you ever regretted any choices regarding college?"
Esmeralda: "I have regretted not getting more involved at the University. You get the sense of belonging"
"Do you have any advice on how to get into college?"
Esmeralda: "Just apply. Just take the chance!"
"Can you tell me the advice you gave me about textbooks and how to save money on them?"
Esmeralda: "If class requires a textbook and the book comes in a plastic cover, do not open the plastic cover, because your professor might not even want the book and if you open the plastic you can't return it. Sometimes you might even find a cheaper option or Professors might have a book left over that they will give you!"
"Have you ever wanted to drop out?"
Esmeralda: "Yes!"
"What motivates you to go to college and finish?"
Esmeralda: "My degree! Just knowing that I have a career or something to rely on. I don't just have to rely on my resume, but I have an educational background to back my abilities."
"What has been the worst interaction with a Professor you've ever had?"
Esmeralda: "The worst professor, I ever had was not very interested on actually teaching. He would teach us towards a test not actually elaborating on the materials. He seemed like he wasn't there to teach, but rather for the pay check. He threw everything on the TA which was bad since the TA is barely still a student himself. Sometimes the teacher wouldn't even come to the testing days."
"What has been the best interaction with a Professor you have ever had?"
Esmeralda: "I'm gonna say where there is a teacher willing to help, they have all these office hours, when they set up meetings to go over your progress. My Composition 1 teacher was like that. I mean it is better when the professors make you feel like they aren't just there for the check but that they are actually there for the students."
"What has been your favorite/ most hated college class so far and why?"
Esmeralda: "Anatomy has been the most hated because of the teacher. It was the worst professor I ever had. He didn't care!" (teacher is mentioned in the question above about worst interaction with Professor)
"Would you recommend taking college classes online?"
Esmeralda: "If it is better for your schedule. If it has more benefits than negatives. If you can't keep up with your deadlines then it isn't good. If you take online classes have self discipline and create a schedule you will follow."
"What did you feel least prepared for in college?"
Esmeralda: "All of the recommended readings. In high school you aren't really forced to read that much to keep up with you classes. In college sometime you have to read a chapter a night. I feel if there was more reading in the science area than I would have felt more prepared. And definitely note taking because you need to know what to write and what is important in order to have good notes."
"How do you cope with the stress?"
Esmeralda: "I try to just not to think about it all the time. You will stress yourself out. You will have breakdowns. You just have to keep knowing you are on track. You are doing it for yourself so just be happy you are doing it."
"Opinions on dorms?"
Esmeralda: "If you are very nitpicky about things than either get a single dorm or an apartment. If you are flexible then get a dorm. You will make life long friends. When you live on campus, you also have a higher GPA, so financially it might not always be the best option for you but you should consider it. So times living on campus can even be cheaper!"
"What is the best part about college?"
Esmeralda: "The flexibility. Getting off early. It's never the same thing every day. You make your own schedule. You have days off."
"Do you have anything else you would like to add?"
Esmeralda: "You don't have to go to university there is no shame in going to a community college and then going to university. With Alamo Colleges you will save half of your debt. There is no shame at all at doing that as long as you get your degree in the end."
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