Friday, July 26, 2019

How to become an AP scholar

Hey guys, as you may know I recently was sent my award certificate for being an AP scholar and I am super excited about it! When I first told my friends (most of them are also AP students) they were really surprised and thought that it was impossible to do for them to be AP scholars. I'm here to tell you how you can easily become an AP scholar:

My Award :) Sorry it is blurry:(

All my scores so far... don't mind the Chemistry one...

As you can see above I passed most of my AP test except for Chemistry. I am not happy with my Chemistry score but I was a hard test and I am going to retake it next year so it really doesn't bother me that much. Some people have ask me how I was able to become an AP scholar even though I failed a test. Well, to become an AP scholar you only have to pass 3 or more tests with a score of 3 or better. Here is a link of All AP scholar awards.

Now to the main point. How can you become an AP scholar?

  1.  Are you fluent in any language other than English? Is that language offered as an AP test?- If your answer was yes to both of those questions then I suggest you buy yourself a Princeton Review book to look at the structure of the test and take the test. That is what I did with my German test. Also if you need a review book for the German AP test comment down below because I have a totally unused one, that I can give you!
  2. Do you have a passion in a particular subject field?- If you have a natural gift like memorizing dates or all chemistry formulas use it. Buy an AP book for a subject you are informed in, even if you haven't taken a class in it, and teach it yourself. You can even go to teachers for help!
  3. Take tests you find easy- if you think that the hardest test ever is Art History and Calculus BC is easy to you... take your strong suits!
  4. Take all the tests corresponding to classes you've taken- Even if you aren't 100% sure you'll do great on the test make sure you still take all the tests corresponding to your classes you've taken. You'd be surprised how much easier the test is from the actual class and how much more you remember when it really comes down to it.
  5. Take as many tests as you can- I know they are expensive but hear me out. At my school they didn't give the German Test on the sign up sheet so I went to talk to our AP coordinator. They ended up requesting the test for me and I got a 5 on it! With this score I will have 12 credit hours at the school I intend on going to. With that test alone I am 2 classes short of a minor in German! The moral of the story is don't skip out on tests!
  6. Retake tests you failed- I will retake my Chemistry test next year because it did not reflect my true abilities since I did not study or truly prepare. So if you feel like that with any of your test do retake it. It is better to fail twice instead of not trying at all.

I wish all of you the best of luck in becoming AP scholars! 

Here are some helpful links to help you study:

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